Get to know the company


Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián is the company managing public urban transport in the city of San Sebastian under the trade name Donostiabus or Dbus.

The Company is a corporation founded in 1886. On 18 July 1887 Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián provided the first collective transport service to the people of San Sebastian. Since 1981 the corporate capital belongs entirely to San Sebastian City Council and employs 529 workers.

The Company’ trams were pulled by horses when it first started operating, and today it has a fleet of 139 buses providing service on 32 routes during the day and 9 routes running nightly and connecting the different districts in the city.

In 2022 were done more than 6.989.429 kilometres all around San Sebastian and 25.503.508 trips were counted. All Dbus buses comply with strict quality and efficiency standards, proof of which are the 59 hybrid buses or the three 100% electric buses.

Board of Directors and Management Board

Dbus’ main governing body is its Board of Directors, which as at 27 July 2023 was made up of:

  • Chairperson: Mr. Eneko Goia Laso (Mayor of San Sebastian)
  • Vice-chairperson: Mrs. Olatz Yarza Garagorri (Mobility Councillor)
  • Board Members:
– Mr. Kerman Orbegozo Uribe 
– Mrs. María Jesús Idoeta Madariaga 
– Mrs. Garbiñe Alkiza López de Samaniego 
– Mrs. Miren Albistur Garmendia
– Mrs. Ane Oyarbide Ochoa
– D. Carles Fernández Mármol
– D. Victor José Lasa Briz
– Mr. Fidel Arizmendi Oyarzabal
– Mr. Francisco Javier González Penas 
– Mr. Jesús María Mur Urretavizcaya
  • Secretary: Mrs. Eva Ugarte Orozco

The Dbus management team is formed of:

  • Mr. Igor Gonzalez Aranburu, Managing Director
  • Mr. Javier Vallejo Illarramendi, Planning and Services Manager
  • Mr. Eduardo González López, Technical Manager