List of services

Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián is responsible for running the network of urban public buses in the city of San Sebastian. It is a corporation whose share capital is owned by San Sebastian City Council. The different political parties making up the City Council are represented on its Board of Directors.

Its aim is to create a competitive collective transport service for the people and visitors to the city. The fundamental objective of Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastian is to attain top quality standards in service by:

  • Improvement in bus regularity, comfort and the safety of passengers.
  • More and better information and customer service.
  • The use of buses with the latest advances in technology.
  • Care and respect for the environment.

Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián has undertaken to satisfy the transport needs of the people of San Sebastian and try to attain excellence in its services for better care for its customers and employees. Their main reason for striving to implement quality in the company is to generate this satisfaction by offering the best possible service to customers at competitive costs.

This approach will contribute to continuous improvement aimed at adopting preventive rather than corrective measures. To this end, Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián has taken a path which will increase its efficiency on a daily basis and allow it to fulfil its business mission, on the basis of the following set of value:

  • Customer satisfaction is the goal.
  • Quality service is the means.
  • Employees are who build it.

This unwavering will to improve can be appreciated in a commitment to customers which implies assuming permanent, optimum levels of quality of service. Pursuant to the standard’s requirements, Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián has undertaken to fulfil the following:

  1. Service offered on the route.
  2. Accessibility.
  3. Information
  4. Time (punctuality and regularity)
  5. Customer service
  6. Comfort
  7. Safety
  8. Environmental impact

The Quality Certification of Routes 5, 13 and 28 to European UNE EN 13816 guarantee quality standards for customers, which will be audited and verified every year by an independent body such as the Spanish Standardisation and Certification Agency (AENOR).

Eneko Goia
Chairperson of the CTSS

San Sebastian, 29 November 2016

Service Quality Commitments for Routes 5, 13 and 28

DBUS will provide the service for routes 5 (Benta Berri), 13 (Altza) and 28 (Amara-Ospitaleak), while observing the following quality commitments:

1. Service offered

Passengers will travel on buses with occupancy of no higher than 3 persons per square metre. DBUS guarantees 80% compliance with this commitment.

DBUS guarantees that two consecutive buses will never run at full occupancy past the same stop.

2. Accessibility

All buses of routes 5, 13 and 28 will be accessible for people with reduced mobility.

3. Information

The stops will have up-to-date, legible information, a plan of the route, frequency according to hours and the first and last scheduled departures from each terminus as well as information on fares and maximum euro note allowed.  DBUS guarantees at least 85 %compliance with commitment.

The bus shelters will carry up-to-date information on the service in the event of a programmed abnormal situation. In addition, information will be provided at bus shelters in the event of its provisional substitution. 95 % compliance with this commitment is guaranteed.

All information referring to programmed changes will be posted on the DBUS website:

4. Regularity

Bus waiting time will not exceed by over 25% the interval established and publicized. There will be a minimum of 90% compliance with this commitment in both routes.

Customers will never have to wait more than twice as long as the interval laid down and publicized.

The scheduled departures from each terminus will not be more than 5 minutes later or 1 minute earlier than those laid down and publicized.  This commitment is guaranteed for vehicles affecting at least 80% of passengers.

5. Customer service

There will be an Action Plan and Customer Service Plan and customers will be attended to accordingly.  DBUS guarantees minimum 90 % degree of compliance in relation to this objective.

All written claims or complaints submitted by our customers will receive a response within a maximum period of 20 working days.

All lost property found on the vehicles will be held at the Customer Service Centre for a period of 24 hours. It will be returned to their owners if they provide proof of ownership. Otherwise it will then be handed over to the Municipal Police.

6. Comfort

There will be a cleaning protocol to guarantee the cleanliness of the infrastructure, buses, stops, etc. There is at least 95% guarantee of compliance with this commitment.

7. Safety

There is a Plan for the Prevention of accidents and incidents which will outline the necessary indicators to guarantee appropriate accident rates, with an aim to preventing falls. 100% of the vehicles used by customers will be safe.

8. Environmental impact

100% of the buses used by passengers will have reduced environmental impact.

You are kindly requested to let us know if you are not satisfied with our service. If you have any complaint, observe any anomalies or would like to suggest any improvements, let us know:

Customer Service Centre:
Fernando Sasiain, 7 20015 Donostia-San Sebastián
Weekdays  8 am to 2 pm

Telephone Customer services
Tel.: 900 840 146 (free) – Fax: 943 000 201
Weekdays 8 am to 8 pm
Saturdays  9 am to 1 pm
