Terms of use


These provisions regulate access and use of the website service which COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTÍAN, S.A.U. places at the disposal of internet users through its domain: www.dbus.es (hereinafter the “website”).

Article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, concerning Services of the Information Society and E-commerce, lays down that the provider of information society services shall be obliged to have the necessary means to be in the position to offer permanent, easy, direct and free access so as the service’s beneficiaries as well as competent authorities can access, by electronic means, the following information:

  • Domain name: www.dbus.es
  • e-mail: lopd@dbus.es

Owner: COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U., Spanish company, with registered office in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa), C/ Fernando de Sasiaín, no. 7, C.P. 20015, registered in the Company Register of Gipuzkoa in volume 1001, sheet 126, page SS-572, entry 1ª and with Fiscal Identification Number, A-20003737.

Access to the website is free, except for the cost of connection to the telecommunications network which the User has contracted with their provider.

COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to make any changes or updates of content, terms of use and, in general, of any elements making up the design and configuration of the website. The User is therefore advised to read this Legal Notice whenever they use the website

In their use of the website, the User undertakes not to act in any way that may harm the image, interests and rights of COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. or of third parties, or which may damage, render useless or overload the website, or prevent, in any way, normal use of the same.


Use of the website, is done so at one’s own expense and risk. By accessing this website, the user of the same undertakes to use it in accordance with the law and internet usage and shall  be liable to COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. and/or third parties for any damages caused as a consequence of non-compliance with said obligation.

COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. takes the safety measures it deems appropriate to detect the presence of virus. Nevertheless, the User should be aware that the safety measures of computer systems on the internet are not entirely reliable and, as a result, COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may alter the User’s computer systems (software and hardware) or the documents or files stored in the same. Similarly, COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. reserves the right to discontinue, partially or wholly, the service, temporarily or permanently, due to technical changes or faults, with prior notice on its website if possible, or using any other means authorised for that purpose


All Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights of the website are legally reserved, and access to them or their use by the User shall in no way be construed as granting any user licence or right to any asset owned by COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. This reservation of rights covers the external appearance (look and feel) as well as the content which may, in any format, be included and distributed by means of this website, and the actual code, design and browsing structure of the website.

The reproduction, copying, distribution, transformation, public disclosure and any other activity that can be carried out with the information contained in the website, as well as its design and the selection and layout of the materials included in the same, for whatever purpose and whatever the means used to this end, is forbidden without the express authorization of COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U.

COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. shall not be liable for non-compliance on the part of the providers or other Users with respect to the copyright of the authors of the images and photographs provided by the latter, it being understood that the exploitation rights to the same have been duly transferred by their owners or by any legitimate holder of the rights to said providers.

It is likewise forbidden to decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, sublicense or transmit in any way, translate or create derivative works from the computer programs necessary for the working, access to and use of the website. At all events, the User of the website shall refrain from suppressing, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed in the website.



For the purposes of the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. informs the User of the existence of several personal data files created by COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. and under its responsibility with an aim to maintain and manage its relationship with the Users who have accessed this website via electronic forms or by email messages. Said files have been registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


The data provided by the User to COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. is used to manage their request and provide them with the necessary information in the event of online queries.  If forms are completed and sent, they will be used in procedures for statistics on customer satisfaction and customer service.

User Consent

Use of the abovementioned forms and any query by email implies the sender’s consent to the processing of the data included in the abovementioned means of communication. The data shall not be transferred to third parties.

Except for the fields in which it is expressly stated otherwise, the delivery of the information required on personal data shall be voluntary. Failure to complete fields marked as obligatory or the supply of incorrect data will prevent COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. from processing your request or sending you the requested information. Any possible modification in data must be communicated by the holder of said data to those in charge of the file, and the former shall be liable in any event for the veracity of the data supplied at all times. In the event that data on third parties is supplied, the User declares that they have received the express consent from the owners of the same for said data communication. The user is informed that they have the right to oppose the processing of their data for purposes others than those described above. To this effect, it shall be understood that they consent to all the abovementioned purposes if, within a period of 30 calendar days of the gathering of the data, they fail to express their opposition


The User shall be entitled to exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the processing of their personal data, under the terms and conditions contemplated in Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data. For your convenience, you are likewise entitled to exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an email to: lopd@dbus.es or by request to the following address: San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa), C/ Fernando de Sasiaín, no. 7, C.P. 20015. Tel: 943000200, Fax: 943000201.

COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. does not use spamming techniques and, unless otherwise indicated in the Section on Information on Cookies, Users are not registered following a visit to the website. COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. shall only process the information which the User communicates to it by email, or when they are sent information on the company’s services.

Cookie Policy

Consult section on cookies


COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. maintains the data security levels required by Royal Decree  1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Regulation for Implementing Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, concerning personal data protection, and has set  up the technical means at its disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, non-authorised access and theft of all the data that the User provides to COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U., notwithstanding their obligation to inform them that security measures on the internet are not impregnable.

Concerning any matter relating to the protection of personal data, you can contact us by email at:



The links contained in this website can lead the User to other sites and pages managed by third parties, over which COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. has no control whatsoever. COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. is not liable for the content or status of said websites and pages, and access to the same through this website does not imply that COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. recommends or approves of their content.

It is forbidden to show a page from the http://www.dbus.es website in a window of another website not belonging to the owner of http://www.dbus.es  using the technique called framing, without the express authorisation of COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U.

It is forbidden to insert any kind of content broadcast on the http://www.dbus.es in a website other than the latter using the technique called in line linking, without the express authorisation of COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U.

Hypertext links (hyperlinks) can be set up in other websites, provided they are directed to the http://www.dbus.es home page or, where applicable, to any other internal page (deep link) in the website, provided that the corresponding pages are displayed in a full window view under their respective IP addresses, and full responsibility and assuming any risk that may derive from the setting up of the hyperlink to the website.


These terms of use are subject to the Spanish legal system.

In order to settle any dispute that could derive from access to the website, the User and COMPAÑÍA DEL TRANVÍA DE SAN SEBASTIÁN, S.A.U. expressly agree to submit the case to the Court of the City of San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa), with express waiver of any other general or special jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.